Lab news !!!


Sept      Luke Fernandez and Elizabeth Grimblatov joined our lab as undergraduate researchers.

Sept       Dr. Abdelmoneim presented research updates at EuroTox 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark.

August       Julia Harig presented research findings at  2024 National Veterinary Summer Research Scholar Symposium, Saint Paul, MN. 

August      Alex Kurtz presented research findings at LSU Summer Undergraduate Research Forum 2024. 

June      Alex Kurtz and Julia Harig joined our lab as summer scholars.

May     Melanie Wilson presented her research updates with the LSU SVM community at the Breakfast Break for Science.

Apr      A research article spearheaded by Mohamed Hamid has been published in the Journal of Environmental Pollution. "Effects of developmental exposure to individual and combined PFAS on development and behavioral stress responses in larval zebrafish".

Mar     Dr. Abdelmoneim chaired a session discussing the use of zebrafish behavioral assays as NAMs for evaluating chemical-induced developmental neurotoxicities at the Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting and presented his group's latest research findings.

Mar     Demetrius McAtee, Melanie Wilson, and Emma Tsai presented their research findings at the Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City.

Feb     Melanie Wilson and Patrick Rollefson presented their research findings at Phi Zeta Research Emphasis Day, receiving 3rd and 4th place awards in their respective sections.

Feb     Demetrius McAtee received LSU First Scholars Fellowship. Congratualtions!!!